We're excited to announce our Request for Proposals for 2025-2026 PREPA Grants. Funding for each project ranges from $5,000-$25,000 in scope. Our PREPA Grant Program is designed to help communities make big strides in protecting their natural resources and water quality, or in preparing for and adapting to climate change. Applications are due March 31, 2025.
At PREP, we’ve been working hard to ensure our grant process is more accessible to applicants across our Piscataqua Region Watershed in New Hampshire and Maine. On January 15, 2025, we hosted an informational PREPA Grant Program webinar. Watch the recording at the button below.
2025-2026 PREPA Grant Program Funding Update: No Expected Disruptions
We appreciate and understand concerns about the availability of federal funds to our program in light of the recently ordered funding freeze. Based on our current understanding, this does not impact the 2025-2026 PREPA program funding. As such, the 2025-2026 PREPA Grant program timeline is proceeding as planned, with no anticipated disruptions to the funding cycle. If there are any changes to our understanding we will provide a timely update.
Request for Proposals
The Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) invites proposals from:
- Municipalities in the Piscataqua Region Watershed
- Watershed groups and/or organizations partnering with municipalities in the Piscataqua Region Watershed
for projects between $5,000 and $25,000 in scope aimed at protecting their natural resources and water quality, as well as those preparing for and adapting to climate change. A total of $100,000 is available for projects for 2025-2026. DEADLINE: March 31, 2025
These projects could involve:
- Achievement or significant progress toward achievement of one or more of the proposed actions for their community identified in the Piscataqua Region Environmental Planning Assessment (PREPA).
- Planning, regulatory, or outreach projects to protect natural resources and/or water quality.
- Projects related to climate vulnerability, adaptation, and/or preparedness.
For all projects, a minimum of 20% must be budgeted for community outreach and engagement. For example, a project seeking $25,000 in grant funding must allocate at least $5,000 of grant funding toward community outreach and engagement. Applicants are required to outline which audiences they intend to reach through the community outreach and engagement activities and how those audiences will be involved in the project.
Funds for this grant opportunity are provided by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and the grant program timeline assumes no disruption to anticipated funding cycle.
The PREPA Grant Program provides funding opportunities to any of the 52 cities and towns in the Piscataqua Region Watershed in both Maine and New Hampshire, and watershed groups and organizations partnering with one or more municipalities.
Watershed groups and organizations may submit more than one application if partnering with more than one municipality.
A watershed is an area of land where all the water from rain and snow drains into a common body of water, such as a river, bay, or ocean.
Not sure if you're in the watershed? Click on the map to the left to view an enlarged version.
Your Project's Timeframe
Projects should be 12 to 18 months in duration and are expected to begin on or before August 1, 2025 and conclude no later than December 18, 2026. This timeline assumes no disruption to the anticipated funding cycle.
Request for Proposal Timeline
November 1, 2024: Request for Proposals released by PREP.
November 2024 – March 2025: Municipal officials (e.g., Planning Boards and/or Conservation Commissions) meet with consultant(s) to determine which project a municipality wants to pursue. Complete the application, review, and sign off on grant requirement documents.
January 15, 2025: 2025 PREPA Grant Webinar: How to Apply and Make an Impact in Your Community, an informational PREPA Grant webinar held on Zoom from 10AM-11:30AM EST.
February & March 2025: Support Office Hours held by PREP to support applications and questions (exact days and times are forthcoming).
March 31, 2025: Proposal Deadline - Submit all required project application materials in PDF format by email to Abigail Lyon (Abigail.Lyon@unh.edu) by 4 PM EST.
April 2025: Proposal review and selection process.
May 2, 2025: Notification of award decisions.
On or before August 1, 2025: All projects under contract.
Proposal Submission Requirements
- Submit the PROPOSAL NARRATIVE as a PDF—Contains succinct information about the proposed project. You must use the PREP Proposal Narrative form provided.
- Submit the PROPOSAL BUDGET & SIGNATURES FORM as a PDF—Complete the Project Budget Form about your project. Identify your qualified consultant for this project. Obtain applicant and town signatures. You must use the Proposal Budget & Signatures Form provided.
An electronic copy of BOTH DOCUMENTS must be received by Abigail Lyon via email (Abigail.Lyon@unh.edu) no later than 4 PM EST on Monday, March 31, 2025. Faxed and mailed proposals will not be accepted.
Support for Your Project
We're here to assist you every step of the way—before, during, and after the application process. Questions can be directed to Abigail Lyon, PREP Community Engagement Manager, at any time. (603) 862-3729 or Abigail.Lyon@unh.edu.
2025 PREPA Grant Webinar: How to Apply and Make an Impact in Your Community On January 15, 2025 from 10AM-11:30AM (EST), we’re hosting a PREPA Grant Program webinar on Zoom. In this session, we’ll break down the fundamentals about the application process, funding amounts, hear from funded applicants, and answer all your questions during a Q&A session. The session will be recorded.
Our Request for Proposals includes a project inspiration and budget guidance section.
Lastly, we’re holding office hours during February and March of 2025 to field your ad hoc questions. Maybe you simply want to learn from another applicant’s approach or have the same question–that’s what these office hours are for! We’ll announce the timing for these early next year. And if a time frame doesn’t work, we are always happy to meet at a time that works for you.
To learn more about the PREPA Grant Program, please visit our PREPA Grant page.
Currently, the PREPA Grant Program has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.