August 2018: Grant Opportunities

Coastal and Waterway Community Recycling Grant Program

The Recycling Partnership is a national non-profit organization that works across the United States to advance recycling and support public recycling programs.  As a part of this work, The Partnership offers a range of free downloadable resources that communities can access to help them communicate with the public about recycling and support community work on fighting contamination.  To access these resources, visit the “For Communities” web site.  In addition to these no-cost resources, The Recycling Partnership also operates grant programs that provide funding for communities seeking to invest in their curbside recycling efforts.  Communities interested in implementing a new curbside recycling program or moving an existing curbside recycling program from collection using bins to collection using carts can learn more by clicking here.

The Recycling Partnership just announced the Coastal and Waterway Community Recycling Grant Program which focuses support on communities with jurisdictional boundaries along oceans, coastal bays, intercoastal waterways, or major river systems.  In addition to offering funding for curbside recycling, this new grant program also offers funding for coastal clean-up activities and public space recycling receptacles.  Interested local governments should visit the following web sites for more information:

For more information about working with The Recycling Partnership, please email Rob Taylor

2019 Local Source Water Protection Grant Applications Due Nov 1st

Funding is available from the Department of Environmental Services to develop and implement programs to protect existing sources of public drinking water. The grants are available to water suppliers, municipalities, regional planning agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, conservation districts, and state agencies. Applicants can receive up to $20,000 for projects that protect drinking water sources, including watershed planning, delineation of protection areas, assessment of threats to water supply sources, “on the ground” implementation projects, and source security.

The application packet is now available online to provide sufficient lead time for applicants to work with stakeholders to determine what protections are necessary to address potential contamination threats, coordinate with working partners, and determine a budget.  NHDES is happy to confer with potential applicants in advance of the development of an application.

For more information or for an application please visit the page below, or contact NHDES staff to discuss your project.

Applications are due November 1st, 2018.


Andrew Madison
Source Protection Coordinator
(603) 271-2950

Pierce Rigrod
Supervisor, Source Water Protection Unit
(603) 271-0688