June 2018: Land Protection Transaction Grant Awards


Piscassic Greenway, Newmarket, NH. (Photo: D. Hyde)

Durham, NH  The Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership (GBRPP) has announced the Spring 2018 Land Protection Transaction Grants Program awards. A total of $75,167 in grant funds will support conservation work on over 3,400 acres of land. The seventeen conservation projects provided over $94,350 in matching funds.

The Land Protection Transaction Grant Program assists land trusts, conservation organizations and municipal governments within the coastal watershed with the transaction costs associated with permanent land protection such as the donation and acquisition of land and conservation easements.  Two types of matching grants are available for land conservation projects.  The Appraisal Grants assist with the initial transaction cost of a property appraisal. Conservation Project Grants assist with the transaction expenses for permanent land protection projects including survey, title, legal, baseline documentation and environmental assessment costs.

This round of awardees includes conservation properties representing a diversity of natural resources including woodlands, agricultural lands and open fields, important wildlife habitats and water resources.  In addition to protecting critical natural resources, many of the conservation projects promote pedestrian public access and recreational opportunities. The awarded conservation projects are located across the coastal watershed in twelve communities including Brookfield, Durham, Epping, Farmington, Fremont, Hampton Falls, Lee, New Durham, Newmarket, Nottingham, Rochester and Wakefield.

The Land Protection Transaction Grant Program will have a grant round in the Fall of 2018.  See the Partnership website for additional details.

The Great Bay Resource Protection Partnership is a collaboration of conservation organizations in the coastal region that promotes landscape-scale land conservation and stewardship. Funding for the Land Protection Transaction Grant program is provided by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation and the Thomas W. Haas Fund of New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. The Nature Conservancy serves as the fiscal agent for the GBRPP grant program. http://www.greatbaypartnership.org

For questions contact:

Dea Brickner-Wood

GBRPP, Great Bay Coordinator

(603) 868-6112