Great Bay 2030
The vision of Great Bay 2030 is to promote a healthy Great Bay estuary system distinguished by clean water, accessible lands for recreation and education, habitat for fish and wildlife, climate resilience, and engaged communities committed to supporting the watershed for generations to come.
Conservation Law Foundation, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, The Nature Conservancy of NH, NH Department of Environmental Services, and the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership work collectively to advance this vision.
The New Hampshire Charitable Foundation funds this work.

Focal Areas & Projects
Five focal areas have been identified by Great Bay 2030 where collective attention, effective partnerships, and investment in the coming years is needed and can make a big difference for the future of the watershed. These five areas and the projects being funded in 2023 are below.

For more information on Great Bay 2030, contact:
Anne Cox
Coordinator, Great Bay 2030 Initiative
Watershed Resilience Manager, PREP
P: (603) 862-0219