December 2017: Watershed Watch

Our Watershed Watch feature is dedicated to sharing our partners’ and others latest research and reports as well as local, regional and national news.

“Coastal Hazards and Climate Adaptation” Chapter

Town of Rye, NH Planning Board

On Tuesday, December 12, 2017 the Town of Rye Planning Board adopted a New Chapter in their Master Plan. The new chapter is available online HERE. The Town is continuing their update with three additional chapter updates on Land Use, Natural Resources, and Transportation (all currently in draft form). Drafts of the three chapters are available on the Town Website (HERE), and a public hearing will be scheduled for later this winter.

Lamprey River behind the Lamprey River Elementary School, Raymond, NH.

Lamprey River Advisory Committee: 20 Years of Progress

Lamprey River Advisory Committee

The Lamprey River Advisory Committee, with support from a National Park Service grant in 2016 recently released a report covering the history and progress of twenty years as a national Wild and Scenic River. The report recognizes and celebrates the development of the Lamprey River Management Plan and federal designation of the river, provides a history of the designation and accomplishments to date, and reminds stakeholders of the importance of continuing this great work. Click HERE for to explore the report.