Hampton-Seabrook Estuary Management Plan


We have some great news for the Hampton-Seabrook Estuary; the Seabrook-Hamptons Estuary Alliance (SHEA) is in the final stages of developing an Estuary Management Plan. The Plan includes goals, objectives, and action steps that each of the three surrounding communities (Hampton, Seabrook, Hampton Falls) and other involved organizations can focus on to keep the estuary healthy and vibrant.

The scope of the plan ignores political boundaries and encourages multi-stakeholder collaboration in its implementation. The Plan provides many Action Steps that are designed to help facilitate the measurement, monitoring, and maintenance of the estuary’s health. Connection to our estuaries, whether for recreational, commercial, or ecosystem services, is critical to the health of our coastal communities. Implementation of the plan will help the Hampton-Seabrook Estuary continue providing the essential services, such as flood protection and wildlife hatcheries and habitats, that the surrounding communities rely on.

Once completed, by about mid-April, the Estuary Management Plan will be posted on the SHEA website (www.shea4nh.org). For more information, please contact SHEA’s Executive Director, Rayann Dionne (rdionne@shea4nh.org).